The last photograph of me taken as a 29 year old. scary isn't it? ...
Just in the last 3 years I've found wrinkles and grey hair and spots I didn't know I had. My hands are looking like my mothers and I care less and less about what people think of me.
10 years ago I certainly didn't think I would be posting a picture of myself, in my pajamas, no make up and unshowered on the internet. Gosh, was there even an internet 10 years ago? ...
What is it about being 30? I feel like it gives me some cred. Like I've finally earnt my stripes. Probably to a 40 year old that sounds ridiculous ... more so to a 60 year old ... but for once in my life I feel like my age reflects my accomplishments ... does that make sence? In the last 10 years I've gotten married, bought my first and 2nd homes, bought and sold cars, invested wisely, studied, began and ended a career (!), started a small business and had three babies ... and that's just the major stuff ... I'm proud of how much I've done and what I've achieved and I'm excited by what is to come.
So today I look back on the last 29 years and smile (even though the smile now gives me wrinkles!) I smile because I have spent 29 years surrounded by people who love me, I have found my lover, soul mate, life partner and best friend all in the one person, I have three devine children, all sublimely beautiful, my gorgeous mum and wonderful dad are just a phone call away ... today ... today I have everything I could/would/will. ever. want.
Hey gorgeous girl. Happy last of being 29 and Happy 30 for tomorrow.
What a wonderful post!
I should be in bed, but just decided to check my blogs before doing so, and I'm glad I did.
What a lovely sentiment, and fantastic viewpoint on turning 3o.
And right as I type this it's hit 12:00 am, so I guess I can officially say Happy Birthday now! :)
Have a great day!!
that's sweets! gosh I love getting comments :) ...
Thanks for the b-day wishes! :) ....
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