And how stunning is this little girl? Those eyes ... wow.

Thank you S & E for allowing me to photograph your precious family.
I have been tagged by sweet chilli philly ... sorry it's taken me so long to tag-back!
The rules are:
- Link the person who tagged you
- Mention the rules on your blog
- Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
- Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.
1) When I was 15 I wrapped my fingers in sticky tape at my dad's work (I was bored) and then tried to cut the tape off with a scapel. I ended up stabbing my hand, cutting through a tendon and requiring microsurgery to repair the damage. I now have a 'harry potter' type scar in the middle of my left palm.
2) One of my pupils is bigger than the other.
3) I started dating my husband when I was 13! We dated for 7 years before getting married, and we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this year! (goor that's scary)
4) Whenever I smell a particular scent of toilet duck toilet freshener it makes me vomit. A left over symptom of morning sickness ...
5) I loooove the sound of rain on the roof. To the extent that we only recently changed our roof from tile to tin in order to hear the rain better (oh, and the roof was stuffed as well ...)
6) I'm dyslexic. No, seriously. I ma.
Consider yourselves tagged:
Oh my ... so close to going live with my new website.
I have learnt that web designers and any type of computer technician EARN THEIR MONEY!!
Anyway ... I just wanted to share some images from a very fun shoot we did today ... testing out my new white backdrop ... hmmm .... looooove it !
Every parent must feel like this on occasions. I'm not the only one with three young kids. I'm sure I'm not the first to feel frustrated. angry. grumpy. busy.
Today I can't keep up with the mess. My back aches from bending over to pick things up. The same things I picked up half an hour ago. I can't see the floor, although I vacuumed and mopped this morning. The washing machine is on for the fourth time today, but there is still another 4 loads to go .... It's Friday night, and today we celebrated my youngest child's first birthday.
Today my throat hurts from yelling.
Today I checked out Sheye's site. I do every couple of weeks. If you haven't seen her site - do. It's beautiful. Raw. Authentic. A hugely talented QLD photographer who lost her 3 year old daughter in a tragic accident. An accident which happened to occur on the day my family and I were celebrating my first daughter's 2nd birthday.
Today I realised how much I have {sometimes I need reminding, ya know?} Today I realised I have mess. A small house. Too many toys. Boisterous kids. Loud kids. Too much to do. A backache.
Today I realised that I have ALL my kids. Here. Now. I can cuddle them whenever I want to. And I should do it more often. Today I realised how beautiful, simple and fragile my reality is.
Tonight my house is a pig sty. Tonight we will have takeaway. Tonight (and always), I would not swap my reality for anything.
Thank you Ava. Thank you Sheye.
But in this day and age ... who isn't!? ... Don't ask me what I achieve in a day that I would call 'busy' because it generally doesn't amount to much, but between kindy drop offs/pick ups, shoots, appointments, printing and organising an exhibition ... not to mention a very important 1st birthday party! .... there doesn't seem to be much time in between ... ...
I was called to an ACOCP shoot on the weekend, for little Dale, born at 27 weeks, now 10 weeks old and doing pretty well ... when I met him and his beeeauuutiful family (his big sister was stunning!) he had just had his gastric tube removed and was in an open cot and looking like going home in about 2-3 weeks ... good luck Dale and family! your photos are on their way ...
Today was very weird. The fog, which is normal in the morning, hung around until about 1.30 ... it was stunningly beautiful and whilst doing the kindy drop off I was thinking I must get out and grab some pics ... of course as soon as I was in the car with camera and tripod, the fog lifted!!! ... but by 4.30ish it was settling back in so I went for another quick cruize ... snapped this one just down the road ...
We braved the big city at night ... Brisbane City from South Bank ...
Ok, in the interests of keeping my blog (s!) in order, I am transferring all my baby cocoon information and ordering information to BAYBEE COCOON (http://www.baybeecocoons.blogspot.com/)
There has just been so much interest that I felt I needed to keep it all off my photoblog and on to one of its own ... it is still in its infancy, so be patient. Over the next few days it should be full of all the material selections and a few more nice piccies ... stay tuned! :)
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