But I have good reason!!! ... last weekend Merryn and I played the intrepid travellers and spent three days in Brisbane, mainly for the ACOCP AGM, but also to coincide with PMA.
We had the best time! We met some of the wonderful people who also donate their time and talent to the ACOCP, went through some workshops including a brief on the realities of photographing stillborns. It was intense, and emotional, but unbeliebably inspirational ... I came away from it with renewed passion, and ever more determined to keep hounding the hospitals who believe we are just a bunch of money hungry photographers wanting to make a buck from bereaved parents (how many times do I have to say IT IS COMPLETELY FREEEEEE!) ... I'll step off my soap box now ...
We also visited the PMA and came away with bags of brochures for products we could spend our hand earned money on. Photobooks (books professionally bound and published with your images in them) swamped the trade show. Some were great, others pretty crappy actually! ... But we sorted through the good and the bad and chose ones for our businesses that had a good balance between quality and price ...
We also had a few days to wander the streets of Brisbane (and yes, we went to the Casino and I lost a whole 5 bucks! doh!) ... the weather was shocking (we left Adelaide a sunny 21 and got to Brisbane for showers and 18!) ....
thought I would share some of our shots ....
We braved the big city at night ... Brisbane City from South Bank ...

A Mill, in the middle of the City, just near the Roma Street Gardens

I absolutely loved the change in climate (wouldn't want to live there though!) all the ferns and palms were stunning ...

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