Thursday, June 12, 2008

busy, busy, busy ...

But in this day and age ... who isn't!? ... Don't ask me what I achieve in a day that I would call 'busy' because it generally doesn't amount to much, but between kindy drop offs/pick ups, shoots, appointments, printing and organising an exhibition ... not to mention a very important 1st birthday party! .... there doesn't seem to be much time in between ... ...

I was called to an ACOCP shoot on the weekend, for little Dale, born at 27 weeks, now 10 weeks old and doing pretty well ... when I met him and his beeeauuutiful family (his big sister was stunning!) he had just had his gastric tube removed and was in an open cot and looking like going home in about 2-3 weeks ... good luck Dale and family! your photos are on their way ...

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