as luck would have it, PM Rudd was heading down to the lower lakes to check out the devisatation that the drought has caused to the lakes ... we had to get up at sparrows fart, and drag the kids out into the freeeeezing cold (the things we do!) but it was fun ... Milang had never seen so much action ... even a helicopter few in ... there were news crews and over dressed female reporters ... and after waiting around for an hour a whisper went through the crowd that he wasn't actually arriving in Milang central, but further out ... so everyone jumped back in their cars and headed a few kms down the road! It was quite funny ...
This is what part of the fuss is about. Irrigation. The farmers/grape growers who have taken their water from the Murray are now a little peeved that it is too saline to use on their crops.

The little swarm of media and interested people when for a wander to the waters edge (now receeded over 50 mtrs or more) ... so we stood back and watched ...

and what do you do when you can't get close to the PM, but want to take some piccies? Photograph his little CIA dudes!

These guys were so cool. He's holding his little microphone in his hand and has the little curly wire thing going into his ear ... and then there was the bulge in the back pocket too ...

And you'll just have to believe me when I say this is Kevin Rudd stepping over a dead carp ...

and what does a girl do when she's sneaked into the media only press conferency thingo and she's too short to get a good shot of the PM and his side kick? Get down low and shoot through the tripod legs! ... A nice 'up the nose' shot of our Mr Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong ...

So that was it. They did a little press gathering, patted each other on the back, the CIA dudes packed him up and off he went. All the frozen spectators went home to defrost and debate the pros and cons of the independant body managing Australia's biggest water source and because Mr Rudd took his sweet time getting there in the first place, we missed the get-together to clean the coral growths off the turtles before they die ...
Here's hoping my children will be able to see the Lake, river and Coorong retored to it's former glory. I'm not holding my breath.