Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Goodbye old Head in the Clouds ...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Great changes are a-com'n!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
sneak peek

of course the peapod got another work out ... totally cute ...

and this one, I think, is going down as one of my all time favs ... Master M lay down on the beanbag, and little brother (who was so tired by this stage he was going to sleep through anything) was laid on his chest ... well ... we all know that there is nothing nicer than the feel of a newborn baby on bare skin, and this big brother loooooved it! It was so gorgeous to watch, he was perfectly happy laying there looking at this brother's fingers and having a wonderful snuggle ... sooooo cute ...

Thanks for a lovely shoot .... your gallery is coming soon :)
Monday, October 13, 2008
sneak peek ...
Friday, October 3, 2008
me n my man ...
i felt like i knew everything. that i knew exactly what I wanted in life and how to get it. no one could tell me anything. i knew it all already.
how things have changed. how is it that the older we get, the less answers we have? ... and why is it that i'm ok with that? ...
nothing has stayed the same. we have experienced so much and achieved so much in the last 10 years, it feels like a whole lifetime has been lived.
the only thing that has remained consistant is us. friends have come and gone. homes have been moved into and out of. ideals and dreams have ebbed and flowed, some realised, others died.
we've seen life come and we've seen it go.
but always, we have looked out on the world together, in the same direction. as one.
i love you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Little happy dance ...
*kate does little happy dance around the kitchen*
and because a post isn't a post without a photo:
quick quiz:
Question: what would you do if you the light in your house was being faaanntastic, but none of your children wanted to play 'photo shoot'? ...

Monday, September 29, 2008
Sneak peek ...
Could you get any cuter? ...

This little man will be growing up in the most beautiful home ...

And lastly ... the little pea ... yes, that is supposed to be a peapod ... if it doesn't look like a peapod, you're not using your imagination enough ... :)

hang on ... I also just had to add this one :) ... oh ... just totally cute ..

Saturday, September 27, 2008
blog neglect
'Doing what' you say? well .... I'm undergoing a mini makeover. Well, not ME, but my business, so it really may as well be me I guess! Plus lots of shoots - sneak peeks to be blogged soon I promise!
So I'm sorry ... I feel like I'm neglecting a part of me ... but I will be back on track ... with bigger and better things, I promise :) ...

Friday, September 12, 2008
Changes ...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sneak Peek ...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
ready ... steady ... GO!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So I was inspired to do some canvas prints for the girls' room ... as they love pink, and don't really have anything 'nice' on their walls yet ... so here is what I've ordered ... 3 12x18" prints for their wall ... I really love them, they are so 'girly' ...
I will post a pic once they arrive ...
(brief funny story: I picked Morgan up from Kindy and said that we had to find some nice pink blossom for me to photograph so we could put on her wall ... so we found a suitable tree, I snapped away, and took a small sprig for her to look at in the car on the way home. She went and got some blu-tac and stuck the sprig to the wall ... just like I said ... "find some pink blossom to put on her wall" ... it all made perfect sence in the mind of a 4 year old! .... )
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Newborn & Maternity Special ...
I have recovered from the shock of turning 30 ... and you know what we did on the night of my 30th? ... went to the kindy quiz night! lol! .... oh man. We know how to party don't we!? ...
Thanks so much to all the beautiful families who have booked for the newborn and/or maternity sessions ... it was lovely to have such a great response. I really look forward to sharing some of the pictures with you all ...
And I also wanted to say a huge thankyou to *you* ... it is so lovely to receive emails and phone calls from past and future clients saying how much they enjoy looking at pics here ... I even bumped into someone who visits my blog regularly at a 1st birthday party the otherday whom I had never met before ... it was lovely to have a chat :) ...
And what's an entry without a pic ha? ... here's our baby girl ... taken over 14 months ago ... gosh they grow up so quickly ...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Saying goodbye to my 20's ...

The last photograph of me taken as a 29 year old. scary isn't it? ...
Just in the last 3 years I've found wrinkles and grey hair and spots I didn't know I had. My hands are looking like my mothers and I care less and less about what people think of me.
10 years ago I certainly didn't think I would be posting a picture of myself, in my pajamas, no make up and unshowered on the internet. Gosh, was there even an internet 10 years ago? ...
What is it about being 30? I feel like it gives me some cred. Like I've finally earnt my stripes. Probably to a 40 year old that sounds ridiculous ... more so to a 60 year old ... but for once in my life I feel like my age reflects my accomplishments ... does that make sence? In the last 10 years I've gotten married, bought my first and 2nd homes, bought and sold cars, invested wisely, studied, began and ended a career (!), started a small business and had three babies ... and that's just the major stuff ... I'm proud of how much I've done and what I've achieved and I'm excited by what is to come.
So today I look back on the last 29 years and smile (even though the smile now gives me wrinkles!) I smile because I have spent 29 years surrounded by people who love me, I have found my lover, soul mate, life partner and best friend all in the one person, I have three devine children, all sublimely beautiful, my gorgeous mum and wonderful dad are just a phone call away ... today ... today I have everything I could/would/will. ever. want.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sneak Peak ...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
phew ..
It's all done :) Now the exhibition can just hang quietly on the walls and look lovely for a few months!
The opening was fantastic, with lots of the artwork selling on the night (three for me! plus orders! yippee!) ... It really is quite an emotional exhibition and the generall feedback was about how scarey the images (both mine and fellow artists') were in their depiction of the devistation that is happening to the Lower Murray Lakes and Wetland AS WE SPEAK! ...
Only yesterday mum rang and said that they have started on the infrastructure for the weir at Wellington, and once that is complete they are saying the next step will be to flood the lower lakes with sea water ... this just breaks my heart .. and NO it wasn't EVER like that, because there was ALWAYS some sort of inflow from the Murray to keep the waters in the Lower Lakes 'brackish' not pure sea water ... it will destroy the ecosystem down there to such an extent that it will NEVER be the same again ...
And Rudd thinks he's solved all the problems by supplying water to the irrigators via a pipe line from Mannum! Are you kidding me?? Yeah, that will solve it - take MORE water out of the already starving waterway!! VIC and NSW irrigators are back to 30% of their allocation ... STOP TAKING WATER FROM THE MURRAY WHEN THERE IS NO WATER TO TAKE!!!!!!!
Surely - if there is not enough water for the environment, then there is not enough water for the irrigators either!!!
There is a river support rally being held at Goolwa this weekend on Sunday 10th August at 10.30 am to march across the bridge. Please, if you haven't seen how different this environment looks from only 12 months ago, come down and see for yourself .. spend some money in these towns that are dying because nobody is holidaying down there any more ... and help us tell our Government that is JUST ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!!!!
Stepping down from the soap box now ...
We had some fun today with some new 'special' outfits ... my darling SIL Merryn purchased some new lights and we were having a play with them as well ... my girls certainly know how to strike a pose ... and all this with Max jumping around like a loony yelling "look at meeeee!" ...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It's done. I've done it. It's finished. Finito. Done. Dusted.
The exhibition is hung, all the artworks fit (phew), the champagne has been ordered, the food is being selected, the invites are printed and delivered ... I would have liked a new outfit, but there just aren't enough hours in the day ...
I've opened a 'SALA' gallery on my site here (go to site> galleries>sala) for those who can't make it all the way down to Clayton (but that's really not the point - get down there! - Sails @ Clayton Bay, Island View Drive - see it! my fellow artists' work is fan-freaking-tastic! have a drink at the restuarant and a wander on the new 'beaches' ... hell, you might even find yourself a dead tortoise!)
So now I just wait until Sunday when I can feel totally out of place being in a (shared) spotlight for a few hours ... (eek) ... wish me luck ...