I cannot believe I am at the end of my challenge! I'm a little sad ... NOT! lol! No, truely it has been lots and lots of fun and I have learnt so much.
I will still be posting regularly, so keep checking back here ... and why not leave me a comment!? ... then I won't feel like I'm just posting for thin air! And I know you're out there ... my hit counter doesn't lie! ...
I feel that for the last 30 days my 'thankful for' thing has been on such a micro level that I need to acknowledge the 'big picture', so excuse me while I indulge, for the last time, I promise ...
Gorgeous husband. I kid you not, I love this man with every inch of who I am. He is my life blood, my oxygen, my everything. Without him ... well ... I can't even fathom. Thankyou babe, for being a brilliant father, a beautiful individual, and the ultimate life partner. I look forward to growing old with you.
Beautiful children. Oh wow. Where do I start? I'm so lucky to be involved in the ACOCP. Every time I do a shoot, or have a referral for a shoot, I thank my lucky stars that I have three wonderfully healthy children ... It puts a bad day into perspective very quickly. It does make me want to wrap them in cotton wool, but in the eternal words of the great 'Dory' from Finding Nemo "well, you can't not let anything happen to him ... then nothing would ever happen to him!" ... I hope it makes me a better person, mother, wife, daughter. They are who I am. I. love. them. so. much.
Healthy me. It is without a doubt that I acknowledge that without my health, I am useless. I would not be able to enjoy the simple things, or enjoy my children or family. Every day, I am so, so thankful that I am healthy. I turn 30 in about 2 months time, and am determined to be healthier on the day I turn 30, than I have ever been. For without my health, my dreams for the future, are for nought.
Lastly, my Mum and Dad. I have no idea what I would do without them. I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful relationship with them. They are truly great friends. I love you guys more than I can put in words. xxxooo

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