Digital. It was the whole reason I changed from film to digital. Saving a fortune on film, and can manipulate the bejeebus out of an image if you feel like it. Plus I can snap away and easily shoot more than a hundred images and not even need to think about the cost. Simply awesome.Grandnan. She knits like a machine and my kids love to wear her creations. The latest jumper looks like a rainbow paddlepop, and Morgan loves it (as does Max, but don't tell anyone!)
The miracle of life. At kindy they have a little incubator with some chicken eggs in it. The kids are waiting for the chicks to hatch and last night one hatched! Apparently right in the middle of the comittee meeting! There was a little crack in one of the others today, but it didn't hatch during Morgan's morning session. It is just amazing that something so fluffy and so damn cute just pops out of an egg and starts "cheeping" ... forget about the kids, the parents think it's awesome!

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