Well, so much for the list of stuff we had to do today. Out the window thanks to the good friends and good wine (well ... actually the wine wasn't that great ...) So we went for a drive down to Clayton so the kids could get their 'grandnan fix' ... we drove around to Point Sturt to check out the drought from yet another angle ...

Rainbow paddlepops. Kids' delight.
The Parent's Rule book. Explanation required = We have a rule in our house that the television goes OFF at dinner time. Morgan was not impressed by this tonight as Shrek was on and it is a particular fav. So in true Morgan style the whole neighbourhood heard about it. The conversation went something like this ...
me: "Morgan, you see this book here?" (grabbing a parenting book off the bookshelf)
Morgan: "yeah ... "
me: "well, it's the Parent's Rule Book. And you see here? Rule number 375 says 'the television must be turned OFF at dinner time' ... so you see? We have to turn it off, because The Rule Book says so".
Morgan: silence. then "what about if we give the rule book to the kids at Kindy?"
me: (trying not to make eye contact with Tim for fear of cracking up) "But all the children's parents got their own rule book. They have their own rules that they have to follow".
Morgan: "Oh."
And that was IT!. We ate our dinner without any further arguments.
I will have to keep that little trick up my sleve for next time. I'm still patting myself on the back for my sheer parenting genius!
Mouse traps. Self explanatory.
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