We went to check out what might be interesting to shoot in the vegie patch (snow peas are growing well I'm sure you'll be pleased to know) .. the pumpkin vine is determined to do something again after its dismal production of only 4 pumpkins which taste like orange cardboard ... it is now covered with flowers and there seems to be a mass orgy of the ladybug kind occuring under every leaf! ...
Living in 2008. The mod-cons are wonderful. Case in point: Washing Machines. What a wonderful invention. One can be multitasking without even trying ... right now I am washing clothes and bed sheets (the 3rd load for the day!) and on the computer (I'm also cooking pasta too, gosh I AM super mum!) ..
My wonderful new mantle peice.
We have been dreaming of the new mantle for quite a while now. Purchased from Recollections what seems like months ago. Measured up zinc backing plate. Painted it black over several days. We thought it would take maybe 30 mins to put it up. It just needed to be hung on the chimney, right? WRONG! Oh so, so wrong. 4 hours later we have been to Mitre 10 3 times (no exaggeration), drilled holes too big, planed off half of one leg, and nearly divorced. But it is done. Lovely isn't she? ...
Healthy Children. Had a call from WCH on Friday. A baby was born still there on Thursday night and the nurse wanted to know if it was ok if they passed the details of the ACOCP to the parents. I haven't heard from the parents so I'm assuming they chose not to go ahead with a shoot. But during the weekend and today my mind has been wandering back to that call. Acknowledging that somewhere there is a family in pain. A childless mother and father. Such pain is unimaginable. "There, but for the grace of God, go I".
So, today, above all else, and forever, I am grateful for Healthy Children.
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