Sunday afternoon we went for a huge family drive down to one of our most favorite spots on this gorgeous planet ... Port Elliot and Middleton. There is one particular beach just on the outskirts of Middleton that seems to be the oceans dumping ground and is always covered with beautiful shells ... miles of them ... the kids (young and old) love fossicing through the mounds in search of an illusive cowrie ... (which reminds me I must post a little story that my mum wrote about beach combing .. I'll post it separately, because I think it warrants it's own entry)

In the mean time, I made my gorgeous husband promise me that when we are mulit millonaires he will buy me this house:
Photo Eight -

Yes, it is the most run down house on the foreshore, but it is just gorgeous and has nothing but a walking path between its front porch and the shell beach. It's probably full of rot or white ants or both, and probably by the time we are millonaires (ha!) it will be long gone for some huge two story concrete palace ... but for now ... I will dream ...
Friends. Good friends. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is nothing nicer than getting an email or a phone call, out of the blue, that just says 'hi' and 'how you going'. And one that says 'I love your blog' is just icing on the cake! You made my day ...
Window shopping. And even better is when you brave Marion shopping centre with three kids in tow and it is actually really enjoyable! I'm teaching my daughter the art of clothes shopping, and I think ... I think ... she is starting to like the idea! In one particular shop I couldn't see her for a few seconds and found her next to the 'bling' with hair clips, a headband, two neclaces and every since braclet she could find on!
SALA. That's SA Living Artists week that is coming up in August. I'm really, really looking forward to our little exhibition this year. I've just got to get all these ideas and images out of my head and into frames!
And lastly, we were honored with a subtle, yet stunning, moon rise. (Which we topped off with two hamburgers with the lot and minimum chips). Couldn't ask for better.

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